Making An Appointment
To request a routine appointment with one of our clinicians:
- Use our online system via the link at the top of this page, and the online services Accurx.
- Phone us on 01268 542 901, Monday to Friday from 8am.
- We do not book GP appointments in Reception.
- However, you will be able to book appointments for our Nurses / Health Care Assistants / Pharmacist at Reception.
It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. If you need to cancel your appointment, please call on 01268 542 901.

Ballards Walk Surgery offers the following types of appointments:
- Face to face: A time to come into the practice for this appointment will be arranged, and agreed with the patient. During a phone consultation with the clinician, it may be decided that a face-to-face apointment is needed and the clinician will arrange that on the phone with the patient. On a daily basis we have a number of clinicians – GPs, Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP) and a Physician's Associate who manage our face to face appointments.
- Phone calls: Please note that phone calls from the clinician are likely to be from a withheld number, and exact times that you receive a call cannot be given.
- Online consultations: We are now offering the opportunity for patients to request an online consultation (clinical or non clinical) through either the NHS app or Accurx. Please find more information regarding this on the home screen of the website, where you can read more about how the NHS app is used.
While we do our best to help, please be aware that we cannot guarantee which clinician you will see or speak to.
Ballards Walk Surgery collaborates with other practices within the West Basildon Primary Care Network (PCN) to offer Extended Access Services for your convenience.
To book an appointment, please contact our surgery. We will provide you with details on where your appointment will take place.
Our Extended Access Services are available during the following times:
Weekdays: 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Saturdays: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Home Visits
Please telephone reception if you require a home visit, as these are available on a daily basis.
You may only request a home visit if you are housebound, or under the discretion of the Doctor.
Interpretation Services
If English is not your first language, and you would like to make a Doctor's appointment, an interpreter can be provided. In such cases please let the team know when booking an appointment so we can arrange accordingly.