NHS Friends and Family Results

Answer Total
Very Good 316
Good 111
Neither Good Nor Poor 43
Poor 35
Very Poor 33
Don't Know 4
Results in bar chart format

What you had to tell us

We asked... "Can you tell us why you gave that response?"

Comment Date
Very efficient, listened and helpful Thursday 4 July
The Doctors in general are good when it’s possible to see them but unfortunately I’ve been unable to always see my doctor and instead seen a person who is able to assess and prescribe treatment but unable to authorise it so it can go over to the chemist and be processed, instead I have to wait for the actual Doctor to finish his meeting before he can look at the prescription and decide if it’s correct and sign his consent, the last visit meant I was unable to receive my medication for hours !! And a return trip to the chemist! Not helpful when your feeling unwell. Wednesday 3 July
Because the doctor got to the root of the problem quite quickly Tuesday 2 July
Registered in the morning and had appointment same day, nurse practitioner? I saw was very kind and patient with me Tuesday 2 July
Quick appointment given, nurse did not rushed. Very thorough check Tuesday 2 July